MC3: Hide and Seek
1. Overview
“Hide and Seek” teaches your child cardinality – the idea that the last number they counted when numbering a group of objects is the same as the number of objects. This provides more counting practice and builds the foundation for addition and subtraction.
How many balls am I hiding?
2. Materials
Spoons, pennies, checkers, and any another object that you can hide with your hands.↑ Top
3. Activity
Video: How many cars am I hiding?
Place any number of objects on the table and have your child count them.
Adult: [Place five objects on the table]
Count these objects.
Child: One. [Touches first object]
Two. [Touches second object]
Three. [Touches third object]
Four. [Touches fourth object]
Five. [Touches fifth object]
Now hide the objects with your hands. Ask your child how many objects you’re hiding.
Adult: [Covers all objects]
How many objects am I hiding!
Child: Five!
Adult: Good job!
If your child answers incorrectly, uncover your hands and ask your child to recount the objects.
Adult: [Place five objects on the table] Count these objects.
Child: One. [Touches first object]
Two. [Touches second object]
Three. [Touches third object]
Four. [Touches fourth object]
Five. [Touches fifth object]
Adult: [Covers all objects]
How many objects am I hiding!
Child: Four!
Adult: [Reveals all objects]
Try counting them again!
Child: One. [Touches first object]
Two. [Touches second object]
Three. [Touches third object]
Four. [Touches fourth object]
Five. [Touches fifth object]
Once again, cover the objects and ask the same question. If your child has trouble, tell them the correct answer and ask them to repeat after you.
Adult: [Covers all objects]
How many objects am I hiding!
Child: Three.
Adult: [Reveals all objects]
No. This is one. [Touches first object]
No. This is one. [Touches first object]
Two. [Touches second object]
Three. [Touches third object]
Four. [Touches fourth object]
Five. [Touches fifth object]
Now you try.
Child: One. [Touches first object]
Two. [Touches second object]
Three. [Touches third object]
Four. [Touches fourth object]
Five. [Touches fifth object]
Adult: Now let’s start from the beginning. [Restarts at very beginning of activity]
Repeat the game with a different number of objects
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