MC12: Number Concentration
1. Overview
“Number Concentration” practices counting, recognizing numerals, and builds memory retention. It is the math version of the classic card game, “Concentration”.

2. Materials
Sight Words Number Concentration Cards
3. Directions
Print out the first set of Sightwords Number Concentration cards (numbers 1 through 5) and place them face-down in front of your child. Arrange them in a total of 3 rows. Two rows should have 3 cards each and 1 row should have 4 cards.
Turn over two cards. If the number of images on one card equals the numeral written on the second card, then the two cards are a match.
Child: [Turns over two cards: 3 objects and the number 4]
Adult: Count the images!
Child: One [Touches first image]…Two [Touches second image]…Three [Touches third image]
Adult: What number is on the other card?
Child: Four!
Adult: Do they match?
Child: No!
If the two cards do not match, then flip over the cards and keep them in their original positions. If the cards are a match, then your child can bring them to her side. Continue playing until there are no cards left. When you finish the first game, print out the second set of Sight Words Number Concentration cards and play another game (but this time, with the numbers 6 through 10).
4. Extension
Once your child has mastered the basic game, play with all 20 cards (numbers 1 through 10). Getting to this stage will takes months of practice. Do not rush your child. Only attempt this variation once your child can quickly and consistently complete the basic game.
5. Download
To download, right-click and select Save As.
The Sight Words Number Concentration Cards are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Basically, you are permitted complete license to use the resources, provided you leave the attribution hallmark (our logo) on the resources. We would be happy to see the materials used in the classroom, in the home, as part of your tutoring business, or however you see fit. You do not need to contact us for permission to use the materials. We want you to use them!
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