MO1: Jelly Bean Guessing Contest
1. Overview
The “Jelly Bean Guessing Contest” develops basic estimation skills and practices counting from 1 to 100.

“Guess how many!”
2. Materials
3. Activity
Place around 100 buttons into a jar. This game works best with several players, such as your family, a group of friends, or students. Ask a group of players to guess how many buttons are in the jar.
Referee: How many buttons are in this jar?
Child: Fifty!
Mom: Sixty-six!
Dad: Seventy-one!
Take out all the buttons, tell your child to count them, and ask whose guess wins.
Referee: [Takes out all buttons] How many buttons are in this jar?
Child: One, two, three…eighty-three!
Referee: Good job! Whose number is closest to eighty-three?
Child: Dad!
Referee: Dad wins!
Give the winner a prize to motivate careful guessing. Repeat the game with a different number of items.
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