H9: Hidden Word Hunt
1. Overview
Take away the ending sound of a word to reveal the “hidden” word that remains, using picture cards as clues. Then identify the sound that was removed from the original word. Your child will practice separating the ending sound from a word and will also learn that deleting the last sound in a word can change its meaning.
H9: Hidden Word Hunt
2. Materials
Print out the picture cards, preferably on sturdy card-stock paper. The word index is for the adult’s reference only. ↑ Top3. Activity
Video: How to play Hidden Word Hunt
Before starting the game, remind the child that with some words, you can take away the sound at the end and find a totally different word “hidden” inside.
Before each round of the game, select one of the picture cards. Go through the images on the picture card and name them, to make sure you and your child are using the correct word for each picture (e.g., bee, not bug). Be sure to do this identification before introducing any words for your child to analyze.
Adult: [showing picture card] Let’s look at these pictures. They show shoe, tea, weigh, and eye. Now you name each picture as I point to it. Child: Shoe. Tea. Weigh. Eye. Adult: Good.To start the game, you will say a word from the provided list and have the child repeat it, emphasizing and stretching out the ending sound. Then have her tell you the “hidden” word that appears when you take away the ending sound.
Adult: I’m going to tell you a word, and you will take away a sound and tell me the “hidden” word that’s left. The hidden word will be the same as one of these pictures. Here’s the word. Listen: teammm. Say that. Child: Teammm. Adult: Now, look at the pictures and tell me the hidden word you hear if you say teammm without /mmm/. [If the child struggles, repeat teammm with a pause (.5–1 second) in the middle: tea • /mmm/.] Child: Tea! Adult: Yes, tea. What sound did you cut off of teammm to find tea? Child: /mmm/ Adult: Good job.Don’t tell her to cut off the last sound specifically. She needs to discover for herself, through the game, the location of the sound she eliminates. Go through the other words connected to that picture card. Then do the same with the other picture cards. Introduce the words in random order. At the end of a session, review any words that the child struggled with. Revisit this activity until you have gone through all the words and the child has a good grasp of the concept. NOTE: Many children can “find the hidden word” easily but have trouble saying which sound was taken away from the original word. ↑ Top
4. Confidence Builder
Slow down the pace and cover fewer words if your child has difficulty with the concept. Use fewer picture cards, and therefore fewer words, per session. Go through the smaller number of words multiple times in the lesson, in random order. ↑ Top5. Extension
Hold up two picture cards at a time, so the child has to choose the right answer from eight pictures. ↑ Top6. Small Groups (2-5 children)
Lesson Objective: Using picture cards as visual aids, children will hear and delete the final phoneme of a spoken word and say the word that remains. GELDS (Georgia Early Learning & Development Standards): CLL6.4f Georgia Standards of Excellence: ELAGSEKRF2.e Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.E Adaptation: Read the main activity, watch the video, and follow the instructions above, with the following changes: If needed, warm up by using consonant sound cards to review the consonant sounds. Place several picture cards face down in front of the group. Turn one card over and show it to the children. Have them name each picture. Using the word index, give the children a word and the ending sound to take away. “What is the hidden word that appears when you say teammm without /mmm/?” Give each child many opportunities for practice. Call on children randomly to provide different parts of the answer, like this:Adult: Train. What word, Kylie? Kylie: Train. Adult: Train without /nnn/. Train without what, Andre? Andre: /nnn/ Adult: Jamie, look at the pictures and find trainnn without /nnn/. Touch the picture and say the hidden word. Jamie: Tray! Adult: Everybody: What’s trainnn without /nnn/? Children: Tray! Adult: Listen: trainnn without /nnn/ is tray. Say that. Children: Trainnn without /nnn/ is tray.Reinforcement: Repeat the activity, asking the children to create a sentence using each new word. Use this Reinforcement at Home form to tell parents and guardians how they can reinforce lessons outside the classroom. ↑ Top
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