J13: Turtle Talk
1. Overview
Synthesize three to five sounds (phonemes) into a whole word. This game introduces the skill of blending together individual sounds. This game is similar to Snail Speech, except that children will blend individual sounds instead of syllables.
J13: Turtle Talk
2. Materials & Preparation
Print out the word list and sound counting cards, preferably on sturdy card-stock paper. Cut apart the sound counting cards. The word list is for the adult’s reference only — do not show it to the child. ↑ Top3. Activity
Video: How to play Turtle Talk
Explain to your child that you are going to play a game with Tommy the Turtle (or Tammy the Turtle, if you prefer), a special turtle who can talk! Remind him that turtles are very sssslllloooowwww animals, and talking turtles talk just as slowly as they move! Because Tommy the Turtle is so slow, he says his words one sound at a time, and your child will have to put the sounds together into words to figure out what the turtle is saying.
Adult: Tommy Turtle says words just one sound at a time. So you need to listen really well to the sounds he says, then put them together to understand the word Tommy is saying. Ready? Listen:Selecting from the provided word list, pronounce one of the words one sound (phoneme) at a time, with a one-second pause (written as • •) between sounds. Use your best turtle voice!
Adult: sss • • uuu • • nnn. Again: sss • • uuu • • nnn. What’s the word? Child: Sun! Adult: Yes, sun.Once the child has successfully blended the sounds into a word (synthesis), take the activity one step further by prompting him to divide the word into sounds again (analysis) in order and count the sounds. Have the child use the sound counting cards or his fingers to count the number of sounds he hears.
Adult: Now, say sun very slowly, just like Tommy Turtle. Count the sounds as you say them. Then tell me how many sounds you count. Get ready: sun. Child: [while counting] sss • • uuu • • nnn. Three sounds! Adult: Good job counting the three sounds in sun! Let’s do some more…Go through 15-20 words in a session. Give the child words containing 3, 4, or 5 sounds, mixed together. This way, the child doesn’t know in advance how many sounds the word will have. NOTE: Children usually do well with blending the sounds into a word, but may have some difficulty repeating the individual sounds slowly and counting the sounds — especially with words containing 4-5 sounds (phonemes). ↑ Top
4. Confidence Builder
Stick with 3-sound words until the child is firm in his understanding of the activity. Then move on to 4-sound words, and finally 5-sound words. Concentrate the child’s efforts on blending the sounds together more than counting the sounds in the word. ↑ Top5. Small Groups (2-5 children)
Lesson Objective: Using sound counting cards as visual aids, children will hear the individual sounds in three-to-five-phoneme spoken words, count the number of phonemes, and blend the phonemes into a spoken word. GELDS (Georgia Early Learning & Development Standards): CLL6.4f Georgia Standards of Excellence: ELAGSEKRF2.e Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.E Additional Materials:- optional: craft sticks or cards labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
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