J6: Snap It On: Last Sound
1. Overview
“Snap” a sound onto the end of a word to make a completely new word. Your child will take a two-sound word, and add a sound at the end to create a word with three sounds (phonemes). NOTE: This activity is about counting and ordering the sounds in words. It is not about spelling!
J6: Snap It On: Last Sound
2. Materials
Print out the word list, mat and sound counting cards, preferably on sturdy card-stock paper. Cut apart the sound counting cards. The word list is for the adult’s reference only. Set the mat in front of the child, with the sound counting cards next to it. ↑ Top3. Activity
Video: How to play Snap It On: Last Sound
Remind your child how you can have one word and then add a sound to the end of it, “snapping it on,” to make a brand new word. Review dividing words into individual sounds, and emphasize counting the sounds.
Adult: Sometimes you can snap a sound onto the end of a word to make a brand new word. Let me show you how. Listen to my word: see. “I see that you are paying attention.” See. What word? Child: See! Adult: Now I’ll say see a sound at a time, and you count the sounds I say. Get ready: sss • • • ēēē*. How many sounds did you hear? Child: Two! Adult: Yes, two. Now you say see slowly, a sound at a time, and tell me how many sounds you say. Get ready: Child: sss • • • ēēē. I said two sounds!Now show the child how to use the mat and sound counting cards to mark how many sounds she hears in a word.
Adult: That’s right, two sounds. Put one of these cards in the top row on the house, one card for every sound you say in see. Start here. [Point to to left “window.”] Say the first sound as you put down your first card. Child: sss. [Puts down first sound counting card.] Adult: Say the next sound in see. Child: ēēē. Adult: Yes, ēēē. Keep saying that sound while you put a card in the window next to the sss card. [Point to correct “window.”] Child: ēēē. [Puts down second sound counting card.] Adult: Now point under each card and say the sounds for see. Child: sss [points to first card] ēēē [points to second card] Adult: Now, say those sounds fast. What’s the word? Child: See! Adult: Good job.Then demonstrate the same technique for counting the sounds in a three-sound word. This three-sound word is actually the two-sound word she just analyzed, but with a new sound “snapped” onto the end to make a new word.
Adult: Listen to me say a new word: seal. “We saw a seal at the aquarium.” What’s the last sound you hear in seal? Listen: sss • • ēēē • • lll. Again: sss • • ēēē • • lll. Child: lll. Adult: Yes. Keep saying that sound as you put a card here. [point to bottom right “window”] Child: lll. [Puts down sound counting card.] Adult: What’s the first sound you hear in seal? Child: sss! Adult: Yes, now slide your sss card in see down from the top window to the bottom window underneath it. Child: [moves card] Adult: What sounds are on the bottom row now? Point to the cards and tell me their sounds. Always start here. [Point to bottom left “window.”] Child: sss [points to first card]. lll [points to second card] Adult: What sound do you hear in seal that you still need? Say it slowly to stretch out the sounds. Get ready: Child: sss • • ēēē • • lll. I need ēēē. Adult: Yes, ēēē. So slide your ēēē card in see down from the top window to the bottom window, so that it comes right after the sss card. Child: [moves card] Adult: Now point to each card in the bottom row and say its sound, in order. Always start here. [Point to bottom left “window.”] Get ready. Child: sss [points to first card] ēēē [points to second card] lll [points to third card] Adult: Point to each card again and say the sounds fast. What’s the word? Child: sss-ēēē-lll. Seal! Adult: Yes! You snapped a sound onto the end of the word see, and made a new word: seal.Have the child remove the sound counting cards from the mat to get ready for the next round of the game. “Snap” sounds onto about ten words from the provided word list.
NOTE: A line above a vowel (for example, ā) indicates that it is the “long” vowel sound, which is the same as the vowel’s name.
↑ Top4. Confidence Builder
Use only words with continuant consonant sounds (e.g., sail, mean, maze). ↑ Top5. Extension
Have the child do the activity without the mat. Have her give the snapped-on sound and where it was added on to the original word. ↑ Top6. Variation
At the end of a round, have the child remove the last sound counting card from the bottom “window” and say the remaining word (which is the two-sound word she started with) before removing all the sound counting cards. ↑ Top7. Small Groups (2-5 children)
Lesson Objective: Using manipulatives and a counting mat for visual aids, children will correctly order the phonemes in a two-phoneme spoken word, then add a new phoneme to the end to create a new three-phoneme word. GELDS (Georgia Early Learning & Development Standards): CLL6.4f Georgia Standards of Excellence: ELAGSEKRF2.e Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.E Additional Materials:- enough work mats and sound counting cards for each child
- optional: pocket chart
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