Author Archives: Sight Words Admin
More New Sight Words Games!
We are proud to announce that this summer we have developed even more sight word games to play with your child! Our website now features a total of 18 fully customizable sight words games to give your children the practice … Continued
What’s the Point of Sight Words?
Many parents of young children get a note from their child’s teacher at the end of the school year: “Be sure to practice sight words with your child over the summer!” Many of those same parents are left wondering — … Continued
Georgia Preschool Association Conference
On February 26th, our Phonological/Phonemic Awareness curriculum made its grand debut at the Georgia Preschool Association’s annual conference! Content Consultants (and GPA board members) Betsy Primm and Donna House spoke to a packed room full of preschool directors from all … Continued
Why Leave Learning to Chance?
I love this article I found on Huffington Post, titled “Why Leave Learning to Chance?” “Why don’t we treat reading success the way we treat air safety, as something to ensure no matter what?” — Robert E. Slavin, PhD The … Continued
Workshop at St. Philip AME Church
One of our content consultants, Donna House, has been busy this month teaching preschool educators throughout metro Atlanta about Phonological/Phonemic Awareness. She was in Decatur yesterday at St. Philip A.M.E. Church, conducting a workshop presented by the Georgia Preschool Association. … Continued
What’s So Punny?
Young children absolutely love silly jokes. Corny puns, lame knock-knock jokes, and the like can send kids into paroxysms of laughter at their own cleverness. Why do kids like these cheesy jokes so much, the ones that make you roll … Continued
Avoid the Summer Slide
Summer officially began just yesterday (June 21), but many kids have already been out of school for over a month. If you are a parent, you may be wondering if your children will forget what they learned during the last … Continued
What’s in a Name?
When I tell people what I do for a living, I often end up explaining what sight words are, which usually includes an explanation of why they are called sight words. Sight words are words that you need to know … Continued
Literacy Learning for AAC Users
Literacy is just as important, if not more important, for children who are non-verbal as it is for typically developing children. We are happy to feature a guest post from Jane Odom, M. Ed., Director of Implementation Resources at AAC … Continued